Command Scheduler + Commands

Command Scheduler + Commands

Command Scheduler and network commands are utilized to turn screens on/off, change inputs, and other remote commands, such as adjusting volume. Commands are high value for public areas, to allow the server admin to ensure that their breeze player is being shown and performing as expected.


Commands are specific to the brands of your screens, and are typically found in the screen’s manual, or online. There are two different types of commands in breeze: RD232, and UDP/TCP. RD232 is utilizing a cable for players and screens that are in close proximity with each other, and tend to work best with one-two screens . UDP/TCP are network commands, which can be utilized for a large number of screens with a player that is not in close proximity with the player’s screens. Network commands require some more setup and an IP address, which are available through Keywest Technology, or within your own company.

Creating Commands

Creating commands can be simple. First, select your player that you’d like to send the command(s) to. Then, select your protocol, or command type, and enter all required data in the fields below. Once you have your commands complete, and all fields complete, you will then click “update” to save the command. Commands must be saved each time changes are made to be able to reflect those changes. Finally, we are able to test the network command, to determine if the correct command code was utilized. To do so, click the checkmark in the top left corner to send the command to your player to test.

Commands Scheduler

Commands must be scheduled via the command scheduler in order to send them to the desired player. Commands can be scheduled down to the minute, and can be scheduled for specific and recurring days.
To create a command schedule, navigate to the command scheduler in the navigation toolbar. Then, click “add network command schedule”. Add a name for your network command schedule, then save. You will see the current day highlighted as the schedule, for default. Now, it’s time to add commands to our schedule. Choose edit scheduled commands, and now we can see that we have two separate sections: daily commands, used for recurring commands, and one-time commands, which can be used for commands that only need to occur on one specific day or time.

To add a daily command, choose to add a command. Choose the command from the drop down, then choose the day(s) and time(s) you’d like the command to occur. Additionally, you can choose a date range, which is useful if you would like to have specific commands for a week or other specific timeframe.

To add a one time command, choose to add a command. Then, choose the command from the drop down, and choose the date and time you’d like to have the command occur.

For each command schedule type, you must choose to update the command schedule in order to save your changes. Then, we will navigate back to our command scheduler, and observe that our schedules have been saved, and will be implemented.