The converter is responsible for updating dynamic data, like news and weather, and other automatic functions on a MediaZone Pro Player.
The latest version for the MediaZone Converter can either be downloaded directly to the MediaZone Pro Player (as detailed below) OR the latest version can be downloaded to another computer and transferred to the player with a flash drive.
1. To update
MediaZone Converter,
you will first need to stop the MediaZone Pro Player software. If you're unfamiliar with how to stop the player software, please visit the Stop & Start the MediaZone Pro Player Software article for further instructions.
4. From the system tray of the MediaZone Pro Player, right-click the MediaZone Converter icon and select Exit. The MediaZone Converter icon is circled in red below.
5. Navigate to the MX5Player folder:
A. Double-click the Computer desktop icon or select Computer from the Windows Start menu
B. Double-click the Local Disk (C:)
C. Double-click the MX5Player folder to open
6. Within the MX5Player folder, right-click the "MediaZoneConverter.exe" file and rename it to "MediaZoneConverterold.exe."
7. Move the latest version of "MediaZoneConverter.exe" from the Downloads folder into the MX5Player folder.
8. Restart the MediaZone Pro Player software.