Using Scheduler

Using Scheduler

Basic Functions

Scheduler is a fantastic tool that is not only a necessity for multiple players, but required for playlists to be added to players. Here, you can also schedule specific times and dates for specific playlists, which is a a great tool if you are looking to show a lot of specific information on specific days or times.

We are going to start by creating a new schedule for the playlist we just built. Here, we name the schedule, choose the correct playlist from our list, then click the right arrow to move it to our selected playlist section, and click submit. This creates a calendar for us to view when our playlist is scheduled. As a default, it is scheduled for 24/7. Let’s change that! We are going to create a new schedule block, name it, then add the necessary playlist as mentioned before. Then, we will select today’s date, and choose 8am-6pm, then create. Now, we can see our newly scheduled playlist for today from 8-6! Outside of those times, our default schedule will play.

Scheduling Techniques

We discussed creating a simple schedule for our playlists in session one, but let’s consider some special cases where multiple schedules are needed. Say you’d like a specific playlist to play during Tuesdays and Thursdays for a specific class, and a different playlist on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. To do this, you’d simply create a new schedule block, select and add the desired playlist, then choose the specific days and times for that playlist. Additionally, we can change our view of the schedule, from month, to week, to day, to expand and see the details of each of our schedules.

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